Airport Codes

IATA Code Finder & ICAO Code Lookup

  • IATA/ICAO Code Finder

  • Seabay's Airport Code Finder makes it easy for you to search for IATA/ICAO Codes of airports worldwide. Enter the airport name/city name/country name into the text box and click the "SEARCH" button, and you will get a list of airport codes with names, cities and countries of the airports.
  • IATA Codes (three-letter airport codes)

  • A vast majority of airports worldwide are assigned IATA Codes by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Used as location identifiers, IATA Codes make the identification of airlines, destinations, and traffic documents simple and clear.
  • ICAO Codes (four-letter airport codes)

  • ICAO Codes play a bigger role in flight planning, airline timetables, reservations, baggage handling, and more. Proposed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ICAO Codes are attributed to all the airports around the world.

Distance & Flight Time between Two Airports

Enter two IATA airport codes and click CHECK.


Estimated time:

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