HTS/HS Codes

HTS Code Finder & HS Code Lookup

  • What is an HTS Code or HS Code?

  • An HTS code stands for Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), HTS codes are used to define and classify imported goods. In most cases, the traded product must be assigned an HTS code that corresponds with the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the destination country so that the importing-exporting process can be smooth.
  • Is the HTS code the same as the HS code? They serve the same purpose. The HTS code is an 8-10-digit standard while the first 6 digits are referred to as the HS code. With HTS codes/HS codes, identifying product categories is not brain-taxing any more.
  • How do I check the HTS/HS codes of my products?

  • 1) Enter the HTS/HS code or your product name in the search bar.
  • 2) Click the "Search" button and the searching result will be shown in a new page.
  • 3) By searching HTS/HS codes, you will know what kinds of products are included in this code. What's more, searching a product name will help you to determine the HTS/HS code for your product.
  • 4) If there are no matching results found for your search query, please try another HTS/HS code or a similar product name and search again.
  • HTS & HS Code Structure

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