Airline Codes

Airline Prefix Code and IATA Airline Code

  • Airline Prefix & IATA Airline Code

  • Seabay's Airline Code & Prefix Finder has collected over 900 airlines' codes, prefixes, official websites and tracking pages. You can find an airline easily by searching airline's name, IATA code, or 3-digit AWB prefix code.
  • What are Airline Codes?

  • Airline Codes, formally IATA Airline Codes, are 2-character codes assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to the world's airlines. They are used to identify an airline for commercial purposes in reservations, timetables, tickets, tariffs, air waybills and in telecommunications.
  • What is an Airline Prefix Code/AWB Prefix?

  • An Airline Prefix Code is a 3-digit code that identifies an airline and stands at the beginning of each air waybill number. (An air waybill number has 11 digits and the first 3 digits are the AWB prefix/airline prefix code.)

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