
Terms & Glossaries of Shipping and Trading


Bonded is a term widely used in the shipping and logistics industry to describe a status applied to goods and facilities under customs supervision. These goods are stored in bonded warehouses or transported through bonded transportation systems until customs duties and taxes are paid.

Understanding the Term "Bonded" in Shipping and Logistics

Definition of Bonded

Bonded refers to goods that are imported and stored under customs control in a bonded warehouse or transported under a bonded transportation system. These goods are not yet cleared for domestic use and are held until all import duties, taxes, and regulatory requirements are met. The term also applies to facilities and transportation systems authorized by customs authorities to handle such goods.

Key Characteristics of Bonded Goods and Services

Customs Control: Bonded goods are under the supervision of customs authorities until all duties and taxes are paid.
Deferred Duty Payment: Importers can defer the payment of customs duties and taxes until the goods are moved out of the bonded facility.
Secure Storage and Transport: Bonded warehouses and bonded transportation systems provide secure environments for storing and moving goods under customs control.
Regulatory Compliance: Bonded goods and services ensure compliance with import regulations and facilitate the customs clearance process.

Types of Bonded Facilities and Services

Bonded Warehouses: Secure storage facilities where imported goods are held under customs control until duties and taxes are paid.
Bonded Transportation: Transportation systems that allow goods to be moved under customs supervision without immediate payment of duties and taxes.
Bonded Terminals: Specific areas within ports or airports designated for handling bonded goods.

Importance of Bonded Goods and Services

Trade Facilitation: Bonded facilities streamline the import process, reducing delays and improving efficiency in international trade.
Cash Flow Management: Importers benefit from deferred duty payments, enhancing their cash flow and financial management.
Inventory Management: Businesses can store goods in bonded warehouses and release them as needed, aligning supply with demand.
Risk Mitigation: Bonded facilities provide a secure environment, reducing the risk of loss or damage to goods.

Examples of Bonded Goods and Services

1. Bonded Warehouse: A facility where imported goods are stored without the immediate payment of customs duties. These goods remain under customs control until the importer is ready to pay the duties and release them for domestic use.

Usage: Businesses often use bonded warehouses to manage inventory and defer duty payments. For example, a company importing electronics might store them in a bonded warehouse until there is sufficient market demand.

2. Bonded Transportation: A system that allows the movement of goods under customs supervision from one location to another without the immediate payment of duties and taxes.

Usage: Companies may use bonded transportation to move goods from a port to an inland bonded warehouse. For example, a car manufacturer might transport vehicles from a seaport to a bonded facility near its assembly plant.

Benefits of Using Bonded Facilities and Services

Deferred Duty Payments: Importers can delay paying customs duties and taxes until the goods are needed for domestic use.
Inventory Flexibility: Businesses can store goods in bonded facilities and release them as required, managing inventory more effectively.
Cost Efficiency: Reduces the immediate financial burden on importers by deferring duty payments.
Enhanced Security: Provides a secure environment for storing and transporting goods, reducing the risk of theft or damage.

Practical Considerations for Importers

Regulatory Compliance: Importers must ensure that all goods comply with national regulations and that accurate documentation is provided.
Duty Payment Timing: Importers must be prepared to pay the deferred duties and taxes when the goods are released from the bonded facility.
Storage and Handling Costs: Importers should factor in the costs associated with storing and handling goods in bonded facilities.
Customs Procedures: Understanding the customs procedures and requirements for bonded goods is essential for efficient import operations.


The term Bonded in shipping and logistics refers to goods, facilities, and transportation systems under customs control, where the payment of duties and taxes is deferred until the goods are released for domestic use. Bonded goods and services provide significant advantages, including deferred duty payments, flexible inventory management, and enhanced security. For businesses engaged in international trade, understanding and utilizing bonded facilities and services is crucial for optimizing logistics strategies, managing cash flow, and ensuring compliance with import regulations.