Vila do Conde port (Port Code:BRVDC) is an integral part of the industrial complex built in the region of Barcarena, in conjunction with two aluminium and alumina companies, Albras and Alunorte. The port also handles bauxite, coke, pitch, timber, kaolin, fertiliser, liquid bulk and general cargo. The port is situated on the right bank of the Para River, 40km from Belem.
By road, the distance from the port of Vila do Conde to Belem, capital city of the state of Pará, is 120 km. The container terminal operates with 2 MHC, 8 reach stackers, 200 reefer plugs and 1 reefer chamber enabling simultaneous customs inspection of 4 reefer containers. Principal container traffic includes Forest Products, Mineral Ores, Ferro Alloys, Frozen Meat, Clay Minerals, Spices and recently fruit.