Port Codes

Port Code Search & International Seaport Code List

Germany Sea Ports

Search results of "GermanyCountry":

Port Code Port Name Port Type City Country/Region
DEBUT Butzfleth Feeder Port Butzfleth Germany
DEBRU Brunsbuttel Feeder Port Brunsbuttel Germany
DEVEG Vegesack Dry Port Bremen Germany
DELIU Lindau Dry Port Lindau Germany
DEWOB Wolfsburg Dry Port Wolfsburg Germany
DEWLG Wilhelmsburg Feeder Port Hamburg Germany
DESSD Stadersand Feeder Port Stade Germany
DEEME Emden Feeder Port Emden Germany
DEPUT Puttgarden Feeder Port Fehmarn Germany
DEMUN Munster Feeder Port Munster Germany
DEPAP Papenburg Dry Port Papenburg Germany
DEHID Hilden Dry Port Hilden Germany
DEHEI Heidelberg Dry Port Heidelberg Germany
DEPAS Passau Dry Port Passau Germany
DESLU Schulau Pinneberg Germany
  • Main Port:
  • A main port is a port with a large capacity for cargo handling, acting as a hub or a gateway for goods transportation in its area. Usually, main ports are included in the freight tariffs of shipping lines and have regular container liners (mother vessels) to berth.
  • Feeder Port:
  • A feeder port is a port for feeder vessels to transport containers from and to the large container terminals (main ports).
  • Dry Port:
  • A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road or rail with seaports, operating the transshipment of ocean freight to inland destinations.

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