Port Codes

Port Code Search & International Seaport Code List

Indonesia Sea Ports

Search results of "IndonesiaCountry":

Port Code Port Name Port Type City Country/Region
IDGRE Gresik Feeder Port Gresik Indonesia
IDTBR Telukbayur Feeder Port Padang Indonesia
IDTTE Ternate Feeder Port Ternate Indonesia
IDPRO Probolinggo Feeder Port Probolinggo Indonesia
IDAMQ Ambon Feeder Port Ambon Indonesia
IDPEK Pekanbaru Dry Port Pekanbaru Indonesia
IDTOL Tolitoli Feeder Port Tolitoli Indonesia
IDPAR Parepare Feeder Port Parepare Indonesia
IDPAL Palu Feeder Port Palu Indonesia
IDMES Medan Feeder Port Medan Indonesia
IDKET Ketapang Feeder Port Ketapang Indonesia
IDBMA Bima Feeder Port Bima Indonesia
IDBNA Benoa Feeder Port Denpasar Indonesia
IDBAN Banjarmasin Feeder Port Banjarmasin Indonesia
IDDJB Jambi Feeder Port Jambi Indonesia
  • Main Port:
  • A main port is a port with a large capacity for cargo handling, acting as a hub or a gateway for goods transportation in its area. Usually, main ports are included in the freight tariffs of shipping lines and have regular container liners (mother vessels) to berth.
  • Feeder Port:
  • A feeder port is a port for feeder vessels to transport containers from and to the large container terminals (main ports).
  • Dry Port:
  • A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road or rail with seaports, operating the transshipment of ocean freight to inland destinations.

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